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This Child advocacy Site has been established to provide a National Resource for all groups in Canada who are advocating for a child's right not to be abused, manipulated, alienated, or denied the emotional and physical contact or support from their fathers or mothers.  To provide information to other Canadian advocacy groups, grandparents, fathers, children, mothers, and non-custodial parent on custody, divorce, child abuse, shared parenting, visitation, access, family law, child support, parental alienation syndrome, family law reform, children rights, counseling, and child abduction,  To hold, lawyers, judges, politicians, and persons in authority accountable for allowing the rights of Canadian Children and Parent's to be ignored because of ignorance or political pressure. Working with and uniting all Canadian  children's and Parent advocacy groups by eliminating divisionary politics and reform of the divorce law in Canada to provide shared parenting and access / visitation by non-custodial parent, fathers, and grandparents.

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Letter to the Editor - Prince George Citizen  

Sunday April 9, 2000

Dear Sir/Madame:

I have followed with interest some of the response from the Law Society of BC and in particular the letter form D. Mayland McKimm of the BC Bar Association listing “facts” regarding the Darrin White tragedy.  The poet Czeslaw Milosz has observed that those “who are alive receive a mandate from those who are silent forever” so as an advocate for the PCAC and one who had spoken to Mr. White prior to his tragedy I will try to put some perspective on the subsequent events. 

The PCAC, like the Law Society of BC and Canadian Bar Association, is a non profit organization.  We provide peer mentoring on a self-help basis and in the longer run are working towards law reform.  The failure in Mr. White’s case was that he had no where else to turn.  The Law Society and other agencies in this province clearly failed Mr. White.  We do not receive a cent of government funding.  Most family lawyers in BC will not take on the father’s case without a sizeable cash deposit, as they know they have little change of success.  We have invited a member of the Law Society to attend our meeting and offered to attend theirs without reply.  What Mr. White did not know was that there are two standards used in family court and it was only a matter of time before the Family Maintenance Enforcement Program would start seizing his remaining property.  It is grotesque to suggest Mr. White who was court ordered out of his home and lost access to records and financial assets and was traumatized from unnatural separation from his children that filling out the proper forms would have solved his problems.  The lawyers opposing Mr. White, as mandated officers of the court had a legal obligation to bring any relevant facts to the courts attention – this was not done.

I had an astonishing response when I contacted the Law Society, the Office of the Supreme Justice and the BC Civil Liberties Union; all implied that it was not their problem and Mr. White’s case was an unfortunate instance.  The system blame attributed to Mr. White is of course nothing new in history: the alternative, if true, would require a significant review of how we deal with family breakdown in this province and admission of error on the part of the institutions that claim they operate “in the public interest”.  Of course, Mr. White isn’t here to tell his side of the story which makes it much easier to personally blame him. 

The Law Society of BC has a legal monopoly to operate; they are not subject to independent review nor do they compete on price or advertising; the average lawyer in BC makes about twice Mr. White’s income when he was working.  Not one lawyer has offered to come to donate his/her time to our organization.  In the Canadian Bar Association letter there is a call for review for legal aid funding; I certainly agree with them in that the family law industry does need transparent and comprehensive review.

Peter Ostrowski, Advocate, 




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