Parental Alienation Syndrome, PAS, Child Abuse, Divorce, Family Law Reform, Custody, Shared Parenting, Shared Custody, Child Abduction, Advocacy, child support, grandparent rights, children rights, fathers rights, mothers rights, Access, Visitation
This Child advocacy Site has been established to provide a National Resource for all groups in Canada who are advocating for a child's right not to be abused, manipulated, alienated, or denied the emotional and physical contact or support from their fathers or mothers. To provide information to other Canadian advocacy groups, grandparents, fathers, children, mothers, and non-custodial parent on custody, divorce, child abuse, shared parenting, visitation, access, family law, child support, parental alienation syndrome, family law reform, children rights, counseling, and child abduction, To hold, lawyers, judges, politicians, and persons in authority accountable for allowing the rights of Canadian Children and Parent's to be ignored because of ignorance or political pressure. Working with and uniting all Canadian children's and Parent advocacy groups by eliminating divisionary politics and reform of the divorce law in Canada to provide shared parenting and access / visitation by non-custodial parent, fathers, and grandparents.
PCAC Executive Radio Interview
Need RealAudio7 G2 player? DOWNLOAD IT HERE "For Sake of The Children" (pdf) -Federal Government Joint Committee Report ( Unedited, Complete Printable English Version Available to Download Here! ) |
-----Original Message----- > [] Sent: To: Subject: Internet Comments/Questions Received From: Dennis Wilsher Email Address: March 19,2000 Honourable Bradley Green Justice Minister, Attorney General New Brunswick Canada Dear Sir, I have been asked by the executive of the Parent and Child Advocacy Coalition- CANADA-(PCAC) to write you concerning the case of Steve Osborne in your Province. If you are not aware Mr. Osborne has been prevented from talking or seeing his children for 1 year now. A court ruling by one of your Provinces judges gave the mother full custody, and also allowed her to move to ontario. Mr. Osborne has been standing at your provinces court building in Saint John protesting since Oct 1999. The concerns that our group has after reading the court transcripts on this matter as an Parent and child Advocacy Group that represents all Canadians are as follows: 1. The judge when it was discovered that Steve 6sborne's ex-wife had lied in her sworn affidavits about Mr. Osbornes character , that the judge said "I have no problem with that". Is it your governments position that lieing on sworn legal documents about serious matters concerning abuse, etc. is condoned by your governments representitives, judges, officials,ie? 2. That the judge allowed the mother to relocate to Ontario, thus allowing child abduction to take place, under the criminal code as you are aware child abduction is the prevention of allowing the child or parent access to each other. What is your governments position regarding court sanctioned child abduction? 3. What is your Governments position regarding implementing the recommendations listed in "For the sake of the children" Joint Federal committees report into provincial legistation changes? 4. Directly concerning Steve Osbornes case in your province are you willing to directly intervene and have a judicial reveiw, or some other action since you have the authority regarding this matter? This case in your province is now on the verge of international attention, therefore we would like to have your governments response on this mattter in a timely matter. Dennis Wilsher on Behalf of the Executive Committee Parent and Child Advocacy Coalition- CANADA- (PCAC) release. |
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