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Parental Alienation

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July 29, 1999 Vol . 15, No. 8

© Simon Fraser University, Media and Public Relations

Spousal abuse rates similar for men, women, study finds
Men and women report similar rates of violence perpetration and
victimization, says the first Canadian study that investigated the matter.

"And, while more comprehensive study is needed, it appears that a
substantial proportion of women's violence cannot be explained as acts of
self-defence," says the study.

Gender Differences in Patterns of Relationship Violence in Alberta by
graduate student Marilyn Kwong (below) and psychology professor Kim
Bartholomew of SFU and Donald Dutton of UBC, was published in the July issue
of Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science.

Kwong, who has just completed the first year of her MA in clinical
psychology, says the research shows "that we need to be aware that this kind
of survey research picks up on a type of violence that's not necessarily as
extreme as the violence we commonly think about in terms of the battered

She says many media stories conflate survey rates of domestic violence with
the common perception of the battered woman. This implies that a substantial
proportion of men are extremely violent to their wives, "and that's just not
accurate." There certainly are very violent men out there, but in reporting
the survey rates and confounding them with the common perception of the
battered woman, the media leaves the impression that the survey finds a
greater percentage of men batter their wives than is actually the case. The
majority of the violence reported by these women is minor.

Kwong says violence can happen against men and the public should be open to
different forms of violence that may take place in the family.

"We shouldn't reject any notion outside that of the battered women one. I
think men have a right to have services available to them, but they just
don't have anything to go to."

Data for the research was collected in Alberta in 1987 through telephone and
one-on-one interviews. About 700 people were surveyed.

Similar surveys have been done in the U.S. Kwong says there were
similarities between U.S. and Alberta surveys in rates of violence, both
perpetrated and received by men and women.

The violence includes everything from a push or shove, to using a knife or a

"The majority of violence reported is minor," she says. "Women slap more and
men might grab or hold the woman down, but generally, the nature of the
violence is not much different."


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