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an order for: !4  V  X44[Where applicable, add support, custody, costs, or other relief claimed.]!4  V 44[For example:]  X 44joint custody of the child[ren], [for each child: name, born birthdate]. (2)X44The petitioners allege that there has been a breakdown of the marriage under  Xk s.8(2)(a) of the Divorce Act, the particulars of which are that the petitioners were living separate and apart at the time of commencement of this proceeding and  X?! have lived separate and apart since [month, day, year].!4  b# /Reconciliation 6 6 (3)X44The particulars of the circumstances which may assist the Court to determine if there is a possibility of the reconciliation of the spouses are as follows:!4 (0*0*0*Ԍ V 44[Give particulars where applicable.]  X 44[For example:] X44The petitioners have made a sincere attempt to reconcile and have concluded that reconciliation is not possible.!4 44OR 44There is no possibility of reconciliation. (4)44The following efforts to reconcile have been made:  V 44[Give particulars where applicable.]  V 44[For example:]  X{ X44The petitioners consulted a family counsellor and for a period of [number]  Xf consecutive days, [dates], attempted to resume their relationship as husband and wife.!4 44OR 44No efforts to reconcile have been made.  b +rParticulars of Marriage 6 6(5)44Date of marriage: (6)44Place of marriage: (7)44Surname of wife before marriage: (8)44Maiden surname of wife: (9)44Marital status of husband at time of marriage: (10)44Marital status of wife at time of marriage: 44(11) A certificate of the marriage or a certified copy of the registration of the marriage is filed with this petition.! 44OR #)0*0*0*Ԍ44(11) A certificate of the marriage or a certified copy of the registration cannot be filed for the following reason.!  X 44 [State reason.]  X 44 [For example:] 44 fire destroyed all the records in the registry where the marriage was registered.!  b )Residence and Jurisdiction 6 )}(12)44Husband's residence is: (13)44Wife's residence is: (14)44The petitioners ceased to reside together on:  X` (15)X44The petitioners [or one of the petitioners] have been ordinarily resident in British Columbia for at least one year immediately preceding the commencement of this proceeding.!4  b -Age and Disability 6 6(16)44Husband's birthdate: (17)44Wife's birthdate: (18)44Neither petitioner is under any legal disability.  b1 2Children 6 6(19)X44The name and date of birth of each living child of the marriage as defined by the  X# Divorce Act, is:!4  V$ 44[for each child: name, born birthdate]  V& X44[If there are no children answer: There are none. In this case, items 20 to 23  V' may be answered: Not Applicable.]!4 (0*0*0*Ԍ(20)X44The particulars of the past, present, and proposed custody, care, upbringing, and  X education of the child[ren] are as follows:!4  V 44[For example:]  X X44The child[ren] [has/have] been in the joint care and custody of the petitioners  Xz since birth and it is proposed that the child[ren] remain in the petitioners' joint  Xe care and custody [with primary residence to ...].!4  V9 X44[See FP 38 for an example of the more common arrangement of one parent  V" having custody and the other having access.]!4 (21)X44The husband and the wife with the consent of the other spouse asks for an order  X for joint custody of the following child[ren]:!4  X 44[for each child: name, born birthdate]. (22)X44The facts in support of the claim for custody are as follows:!4 44(a) the petitioners believe that they are equally able to provide a stable home  X@ for the child[ren] and to properly oversee their education, spiritual, emotional, and physical development; and! 44(b) the petitioners have jointly borne the responsibility for raising the  X child[ren] since the date of their separation, and feel that the child[ren]  X [has/have] settled into a happy and regular routine residing for equal lengths of time with both petitioners.! (23)X44The petitioners consent to and agree to the following terms of access to the  Xw child[ren] by the spouse who will not have custody:!4  XK X44Not applicable [or, if primary residence is granted to one spouse, set out the  X6 terms of access by the other].!4  b .Other Proceedings 6 6(24)X44The particulars and status of any other proceeding commenced with respect to the marriage or any child thereof, including proceedings for support or maintenance or pursuant to any statute are as follows:!4 44OR 44No such proceedings have been commenced. 5)0*0*0*Ԍ  b RSeparation Agreements and Financial Arrangements 6  >(25)X44The petitioners have entered into the following marriage agreement as defined in  X the Family Relations Act, or separation agreement, or other post or ante nuptial agreement or financial arrangement:!4  X 44The petitioners have entered into a separation agreement dated [month, day, year]. (26)X44The financial position, both income and capital, of the husband and of the wife is as set out in the property and financial statements.!4  V [This section must be completed only if a claim for support or custody, or other financial  V relief, is made.]  b # Collusion, Condonation, and Connivance 6 6(27)X44There has been no collusion in relation to this petition, that is, there has been no agreement or conspiracy between the petitioner, directly or indirectly, to subvert the administration of justice, and no agreement, understanding, or arrangement to fabricate or suppress evidence or to deceive the Court.!4  b /Relief Claimed 6 The petitioners claim and ask this Court to grant the following relief: (1)44that the petitioners shall be divorced from each other; and  X (2)X44that the petitioners shall be granted joint custody of the child[ren], [for each  X child: name, born birthdate].!4  b-" .%Place of Hearing 6  X'$  The petitioners propose that this petition will be heard by the Court at [address], [city].  b' ( Signature and Acknowledgments#XP\  P6QcXP# 6(0*0*0*Ԍ6The petitioners state that they are presenting this joint petition for divorce with full knowledge that: (1)X44each of them is entitled to obtain legal advice independently of the other,!4 (2)X44each of them is entitled to be separately represented by a lawyer of his or her own choice, !4 (3)X44neither of them can legally be forced or required by the other to seek a divorce or to sign this petition for divorce.!4  X SIGNED by the petitioners at [city], British Columbia, on [month, day, year], the petitioners certifying that the statements in this petition for divorce are true. 4 <DL!446___________________________  V{ 6[Name of petitioner] 6___________________________  V6 6[Name of petitioner]  V 4 <DL!X44(Where the petitioners act in person, strike out "Statement of Solicitor" following,  V and add:)!4 Husband's mailing address and telephone number: Wife's mailing address and telephone number:  b9 .Statement of Solicitor 9  X3 6I, [name], solicitor for the petitioner(s), certify to the Court that I have complied with s.  X 9 of the Divorce Act.  V X44(Where the circumstances of the case are of such a nature that it would clearly not  V! be appropriate to so comply, set out such circumstances.)!4  X# DATED at [location] on [month, day, year]. Address of Solicitor: 4 <DL! 9___________________________%)0*0*0*Ԍ VY% 9[Name of solicitor]  V+' 4 <DL!X44[Note: If the husband and the wife are separately represented, each solicitor must  V( make a statement in the above form.]!4